I have always loved living in the moment, enjoying the epic view, and trying to absorb as much of the experience as possible. Never have I truly tried to capture and reproduce it… until now.
Now I find myself on a journey. I cannot imagine my brain being able to contain, filter through, or remember even a fraction of the things we will see on this year-long adventure.

Mr. Anderson said to me just the other day, and I quote, “The fun for me is the challenge of trying to represent real life as close to reality as possible, through a lens”. I do love challenges, but this one does not resonate with me… at all.

I usually spend my time trying to seize the day, so to speak. I am afraid that this year will all pass away too quickly and become like a distant dream. Life goes fast, and I realize the importance of some documentation.
So here I go, diving in head first… into what? Not sure yet. Reading, writing, journaling, documenting, capturing, etc. Our world has never made it so easy. So as we start this adventure, trying to capture it and share it as best we can, please know that portraying what we actually see is close to impossible. But I (we) will try.