After tooling around Southeast Asia for several months, Thaddeus, the very dear husband of mine, started a slight manipulation of the truth, a seemingly insignificant lie. He was well intentioned and tried to look to the interest of others, if that softens the blow at all.
Tag Archives: indonesia
Photos With Strangers
I love Southeast Asia. Each country is a whole different experience. Everyday is it’s own unique adventure.
Traveling around this part of the world has introduced us to all new things. It has been an incredible journey, where we now have become almost immune to noticing much at all. The never ending stares, un-named foreign foods, giant bugs, and crazy heat and humidity is becoming all too normal now.
Sija Memories
Top 10 Endearing Indonesian Quirks
We had an amazing time in Indonesia. In fact, it’s the country we’ve spent the most time in during our trip, so far. Here are some fun Indonesian quirks we observed during our time there.
- Brightly colored cars, buildings, fences, houses, anything really. It is common to have brightly painted walls of different colors throughout a home, such as purple, green, etc.
I distinctly remember driving around, seeing fully pink cars, blue buildings, and bright green living room walls, just to name a few.
- The distinctive smell of clove cigarettes everywhere, and the seemingly high percentage of men smoking them.
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Hiking Mt. Bromo and the Sunrise Viewpoint [VIDEO]
I will admit that my idea started with a photograph. I cannot remember where I initially saw the backdrop of Mt. Bromo, and it doesn’t really matter. My point is that this is potentially the first time that I was influenced to visit a place based solely on a picture.

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Yogyakarta to Bali via Mt. Bromo
Travel days are exhausting, and can at times, be painfully miserable and long. This goes without saying for a backpacker with a do-it-yourself type of mentally. I desire the freedom and options to choose where I go and what I do. But sometimes opting to do things myself, rather than through a tour or group, can lead to heavy punishment in the end.
Jump Shot Indonesia
We took this jump shot while visiting the Borobudur temple complex in Central Java, Indonesia.
Click here for our other jump shots.